James T. Kelley (1854)


Vaše hodnocení osobnosti James T. Kelley

★ nejhorší     ★★★★★ nejlepší

Narození: 10. 7. 1854
Úmrtí: 12. 11. 1933
Místo narození: Castlebar, hrabství Mayo, Irsko

Herec James T. Kelley se nejvíce proslavil ve filmech Psí život jako Man at Hot Dog Stand, Chaplin vystěhovalcem jako Shabby Diner a Chaplin na kolečkových bruslích jako Her Father.

Filmografie a biografie umělce jménem James T. Kelley. Herec z mnoha filmů a seriálů, které stojí za to vidět.

James T. Kelley Filmy a seriály

The Red Card (2015)
film ☆ postava Michael
Charlie's Triple Trouble (1944)
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Men of Daring (1927)
film ☆ postava Piney (as James Kelly)
The Wages of Tin (1925)
film ☆ postava Meg's father (as Jimmy Kelly)
Andy's Stump Speech (1924)
film ☆ postava Hotel Manager
Hot Sands (1924)
film ☆ postava Mr. Leffingwell - the Banker
Hansel and Gretel (1923)
film ☆ postava Hansel's Father
The Kid Reporter (1923)
film ☆ postava Newspaper Editor
Safety Last! (1923)
film ☆ postava Old Driver of Delivery Truck
Dr. Jack (1922)
film ☆ postava Card-Playing Father
Thundering Hoofs (1922)
film ☆ postava Jimmy O'Brien (as James Kelly)
High Rollers (1921)
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Among Those Present (1921)
film ☆ postava Mr. O'Brien, the Father
Cyclone Bliss (1921)
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An Eastern Westerner (1920)
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Broken Bubbles (1920)
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Mystic Mush (1920)
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Way Out West (1920)
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The Nickel Snatcher (1920)
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When Spirits Move (1920)
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Chaplinovy trampoty (1918)
film ☆ Triple Trouble, postava Singing Drunk
Psí život (1918)
film ☆ A Dog's Life, postava Man at Hot Dog Stand
Chaplin uprchlým trestancem (1917)
film ☆ postava Old Man
Chaplin vystěhovalcem (1917)
film ☆ postava Shabby Diner
Chaplin v lázních (1917)
film ☆ The Cure, postava Sanitarium Attendant
Chaplin na kolečkových bruslích (1916)
film ☆ The Rink, postava Her Father
Behind the Screen (1916)
film ☆ postava Cameraman
Chaplin odhadcem v zastavárně (1916)
film ☆ postava An Old Herec
Cold Hearts and Hot Flames (1916)
film ☆
Chaplin falešným hrabětem (1916)
film ☆ postava Butler
Chaplin šumařem (1916)
film ☆ postava Gypsy and Musician
Chaplin hasičem (1916)
film ☆ The Fireman, postava Fireman
Charlie zlodějem (1916)
film ☆ postava Drunk with Pockets Picked / Second Flophouse Customer
Chaplin obchodním příručím (1916)
film ☆ The Floorwalker, postava Lift Boy
A Foozle at the Tee Party (1915)
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Chaplin v kabaretu (1915)
film ☆ A Night in the Show, postava Trombone Player and Singer
Close-Cropped Clippings (1915)
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Pete, the Pedal Polisher (1915)
film ☆
Charity Ball (1897)
film ☆
Bowery Waltz (1897)
film ☆

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